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Nine out of ten people age 65 and older are receiving Social Security benefits, and for 32% of them, it represents over 90% of their income." — Social Security Administration. Social Security Basic Facts. April, 2014 -


Social Security benefits have become increasingly complex as the laws governing them continue to change. Our advisors will help you understand the changes to the law and guide you to make informed decisions so the process will not seem so overwhelming. We can also answer questions regarding Social Security, including: 

  • When am I eligible to receive Social Security benefits?

  • When is it the right time for me to file for Social Security?

  • Can I receive Social Security if I am still employed?

  • How does Social Security work for my spouse?

  • What happens to my Social Security benefits if my spouse or I die?

  • Will Social Security be around for all of my retirement?

The selection of how and when you begin drawing your benefits is one that can only be appropriately addressed along with your whole financial picture. The Smith Group can help you understand your filing options as a part of your overall plan for retirement.

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